Museum of Weird Books of Weird Books

The Pantyhose Craft Book

The Pantyhose Craft Book

by Jean Ray Laury and Joyce Aiken

(Taplinger Publishing Company, 1978)

"If Mount Everest is climbed 'because it is there,' then leftover nylon stockings have something in common with Everest. They're put to use 'because they are there," so philosophize our thoughtful authors in the foreword to this indispensable book. Pantyhose come from eggs, after all, symbolizing life and renewal and thus it is only natural that the craftsman's creative juices be stirred by a drawerful of nude and taupe nylons with runs.


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After all, "Today's rug may simply be the reincarnation of yesterday's violet mesh hose. Tomorrow's stuffed toys may regenerate from today's office-beige stockings." Pantyhose crafts: the way to enlightenment.


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Why use just pantyhose for your crafts when you can combine them with the plastic rings from soft drink can holders? Why indeed?? "The finished hammock is very elastic and bouncy and makes a marvelous summer entertainment." Our model seems to be falling out of the hammock, but his friend does appear entertained.


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